Sunday, June 14, 2020

Designing and Printing Battlefield Windmills

Battlefield Windmills

I have been looking for 15mm windmills to adorn my Seven Years War Battlefield but have either found them to be too expense or just not what I was looking for.  Like many things in the hobby, I don't know exactly why I need these but they have been calling me for a long time!  So, I sat down and put some 3D skills (humble at best) to use and created my own.  I copied a picture I saw from one on the internet.  These of course come in many forms and have regional variations but I thought that this one might be general enough to have wide application.

Here was the test subject!

And here are the windmills fresh from my 3D printer.

I printed out 3 of these.  I have complete 2 of them in different paint schemes.  Thinking about what color the 3rd one should be...?

Well, what do you think?  I may have a go at creating a circular one which is a bit more typical of SYW's battlefield I think but I think these will serve me well and they were fun to create and easy to paint!

For God Sake - Forward Boys!


  1. Wow! Those are nice. I'm presuming they are printed in multiple pieces. Your paint jobs are fantastic.


  2. Thank you kindly! Yes - They are printed in 5 pieces. 1 House, 1 Post base, 1 Wind Sail, 1 Ladder and 4 Shutters.
